May Updates

Footprint had quite the month! Check out some of our updates

Hello, friends of Footprint! Happy summer.

It is finally warm in NYC, gloomy in LA, and, like always, 65 and a bit cloudy in SF.

May was another busy month here at Footprint, with some exciting updates that we get into below.

If you have any product feedback, suggestions, or complaints, please let us know.

Onboarding Components

One of the main problems with many identity providers is they exist as purely a backend tool. There is only so much fraud you can prevent when you get passed information and verify that it exists in some database. You need to be on the front end, interacting with users, and dynamically requesting additional information. But we know that control over the front end is important, so we built components. Components are invisible boxes you overlay on your input fields, allowing you to take full advantage of the Footprint platform without any sacrifices.

Your new onboarding best friend

Footprint Fraud

Footprint Fraud is not a single fraud-fighting feature but a collection of tools that work together to power your product (and team) to fight fraud on a large scale. Fraud and identity are intrinsically linked. Doing one without the other can only be so helpful. With our fraud suite, you can collect and act on risk signals like device insights and behavioral biometrics and dynamically request additional information from your users in real-time. Read more here.

Case Studies Galore

Footprint is a flexible product. It is designed to help anyone dealing with identity and fraud on the internet. Watching our vision come to life has been amazing, and we are excited to share some stories with you. We have helped auto rental companies accurately verify driver's licenses and helped young adults learn the power of investing by putting money to work. These are a couple of many inspiring customer stories that we are honored to play a small part in.

New Website

We launched a revamped website to highlight the versatility of the Footprint product. We now break out specific value props for different verticals that Footprint works well with. If you are familiar with Footprint, you know how important design is to us. We wanted a website that is as interactive as our product. We have a bunch of fun Easter eggs in here. Peter said that if anyone finds his favorite and points it out on Twitter, he will buy them lunch. Happy hunting!

Series A Announcement

At Footprint, we have a saying that the only milestones that count are ones related to helping your customers. However, it was nice to announce our Series A round last week.

This new funding round gives us the ammo we need to double down and bring Footprint to more platforms. QED led the round, joined by new investors including Animal Capital and Neo to our capital as well as existing investors like Lerer Hippeau, Operator Partners, BoxGroup, Palm Tree Capital, and Definition. We are thrilled to keep building for you all, and this round lets us do that.

Treasury Prime Partnership

We are thrilled to be partnering with Treasury Prime, a leading embedded banking software company. Compliance and fraud prevention has been top of mind for banks who “recognize that a robust KYC process is vital for fraud prevention.” Footprint is excited to support many of these banks through our partnership with Treasury Prime. You can read more about the partnership here.

As Treasury Prime continues to double down on a bank-direct approach, we’re constantly listening to and taking action on feedback from our bank partners. Many banks expressed interest in additional onboarding identity, KYC and KYB options, so we’re proud to deliver on this through our integration with Footprint.

Mark Vermeersh, Chief Platform Officer at Treasury Prime

Upcoming Features

We have many exciting things coming down the pipeline and cannot wait to share them. A couple of things we are excited about:

  1. Continued enhancements to our rules engine. With our rules engine, you can configure dynamic flows that toggle on and off friction in real-time based on risk signals. This engine will be increasingly essential to our customers. We are excited to continue improving everything from the intuitive nature of creating rules to the specificity level you can decision on.

  2. Compliance suite. There has been a lot of news coming out of the BaaS world lately. Footprint is uniquely suited to help. We look forward to helping our banks, fintechs, and BaaS platforms satisfy all regulations and onboard users and partners with confidence.

  3. Feature suggestions. Our goal is to make your lives easier. If you have any product feature requests, we want to hear them! Let us know here.